Thinking about Switching to Asphalt Shingles in West Bloomfield MI?

Pros and Cons of Asphalt Shingles in West Bloomfield MI

Are you considering asphalt shingles in West Bloomfield MI? Is this something that you have discussed with your husband or wife or whomever you reside with? Are you building a new home and need information on asphalt shingles to know if this is the route that you want to go? Are you in need of a new roof and considering replacing your existing roofing materials with asphalt shingles in the next couple of months or so? I know I just threw quite a few questions at you in the opening of this article. However, the truth is, whether you are building a new home and trying to find the best roofing materials for your home or whether you are replacing your old roof with a new style of roofing, you need to take a look at the advantages and to make sure your advantages outweigh your disadvantages. So, in this article, we are going to take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of switching to asphalt shingles in West Bloomfield, Michigan.

Thinking about Switching to Asphalt Shingles in West Bloomfield MI?

When it comes to Asphalt Shingles in West Bloomfield, MI, there are things you need to consider before making the decision on using asphalt shingles or not. You need to do your research and take a look at the pros and cons of asphalt shingles in West Bloomfield MI. That’s where 30 Tables can help you. That’s where we come in and try to help lessen the time it will take you to research these shingles by providing you with the best information we can. Instead of you visiting your search engine of preference and researching the advantages and disadvantages of asphalt shingles in West Bloomfield MI, you can simply continue reading this article and in this article, here on, we will break it down for you and help you better understand this type of roofing materials. So, lets get started. At the end of this article, it is up to you to make your decision on what you want to do.

Advantages of Asphalt Shingles in West Bloomfield MI

Let’s first take a look at the advantages of asphalt shingles in West Bloomfield, MI. Even though the advantages of this particular roofing material may look good in this article, it is also a good idea to read the complete article to see some of the disadvantages as well, and you need to take all of the things in this article in and think about it to see if this is the right roofing material for you! Here are some of the advantages of Asphalt Shingles in West Bloomfield MI.

Asphalt Shingles Advantages:

  • Wide Variety
  • Easy to Install
  • Carries a Long Warranty
  • Very Affordable
  • Easy to Handle

Above are some of the advantages of using asphalt shingles in West Bloomfield MI. One of the main reasons folks in West Bloomfield, Michigan, chooses asphalt shingles is because of the variety of options that are available with these types of shingles. When it comes to asphalt shingles, there are many styles and colors for the home owner to choose from. Another reason these types of shingles are so popular amongst home owners is because of the low cost. These shingles are very affordable. Due to the easy installation of these shingles, most roofing companies charge less for the actual installation.

When it comes to Asphalt Shingles in West Bloomfield, MI, there are things you need to consider before making the decision on using asphalt shingles or not.

Disadvantages of Asphalt Shingles in West Bloomfield MI

As with any shingles or home improvement materials, there is always a downside. That downside is known as the disadvantages of the materials in question. So, now that we have covered the advantages of asphalt shingles in West Bloomfield MI, it is now time to cover the disadvantages of asphalt shingles in West Bloomfield MI. Keep in mind, that though there are these disadvantages to using asphalt shingles, normally the advantages outweighs the disadvantages. Take a look at the following disadvantages of asphalt shingles in West Bloomfield MI, below:

  • Can’t Be Installed in Freezing Temperatures
  • Can’t Withstand Strong Winds
  • These Shingles are Known to be Heavier
  • Doesn’t Last as Long as Other Types of Shingles

The disadvantages above are pretty much outweighed by the advantages in this 30 Tables article. Most people install or repair their roof in the summer, so the first disadvantages shouldn’t be a problem if you plan to wait a few months to have your roof worked on or installed, unless you have damage to your roof. And even though these shingles don’t last as long as others, they are more affordable than others. So the decision is yours. Should you go with asphalt shingles in West Bloomfield MI, or not! Check out Twelve Oaks Roofing for more about asphalt shingles in West Bloomfield MI.

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