Should You Mount a TV Over the Fireplace? Pros & Cons

Better Smelling Home in Michigan

Should you mount a TV over the fireplace? We have all seen homes with the flat screen TVs mounted above the fireplace. There is no doubt, that it is a beautiful setup. It looks peaceful with the TV up high and the fireplace below it. You and your significant other can enjoy a movie while the flames are burning bright below.  Anytime you are dealing with heat and technology, you must be careful. But should you mount a TV over the fireplace is the question. That is a decision only you can make, but let’s take a look at the pros and cons of mounting a TV over a fireplace in your home.

 Should You Mount a TV Over the Fireplace? Pros & Cons


Pros of Mounting a TV Over the Fireplace

More Space – One of the pros to mounting a TV over the fireplace is you will have more room in your living room. In the years past, a lot of room was taken up because most of us had an entertainment center for our TV. That entertainment center would take up a lot of room. By mounting the TV over the fireplace, you won’t have to worry about any of that.

Less Clutter – When you mount the TV over the fireplace, it will look less cluttered in your home. You won’t have to worry about an entertainment stand with stuff cluttered on it. There won’t be anything around the TV to make it look cluttered. It makes your living room look a lot cleaner too.

Living Room Appears Bigger – When you mount the TV on the wall, your living room will appear bigger. Since you won’t have to use a big bulky stand for the TV, and there is less clutter, the living room will appear bigger.

No More Messy Wires – Another pro to mounting a TV over the fireplace is the fact that you won’t have wires hanging all over the place. With the old way, there were wires all over the place. It made it look very cluttered in your living room. Hanging your TV this way means the wires will be in the wall, so you won’t have to worry about you or anyone else seeing them.

Cons of Mounting a TV Over the Fireplace

Heat Damage – The most obvious con of mounting a TV over the fireplace is the heat damage. We all know electronics doesn’t go well with heat. So, placing your TV over the fireplace may damage your TV. If you can, you should try to put as much room as you can between the fireplace and TV if that’s where you are going to mount it. You also need to clean the TV screen often so the smoke from the fireplace doesn’t mess it up.

Uncomfortable to Watch – Another con is the headaches and neck aches you might get from looking at a TV mounted over the fireplace. If the TV is too high up and the couch or chair isn’t far enough back, you may end up with a headache or neck ache from looking up to see the TV. So that would be another con.

When it comes down to mounting a TV over the fireplace in your home, the decision is really up to you. You know how much room you have between the fireplace and TV, and you know how far back you can sit your couch or chair. If you plan to go this route, it is a good idea to get a professional to install it for you. It can be a hassle to install these TVs over the fireplace, so call the professionals.

Make sure you keep an eye on the TV from time to time while you have the fireplace on. You surely don’t want any fire damage to your TV. If you are building a home or remodeling your home and planning to install these TVs, try to make the room large enough that you won’t have neck pain from looking up and so you have enough space between the fireplace and TV. You also need to keep an eye on your fireplace. If it’s smokes to bad, you may get smoke damage to your home. If you encounter smoke damage, contact the experts at Downriver Cleanup & Restoration in Downriver, Michigan.

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