Things to Look for When Choosing Replacement Windows in Ann Arbor Michigan

Home Windows Ann Arbor MI

Replacement windows are a fantastic investment for any homeowner. With a high return on your investment and lots of opportunities for saving money on bills in the future, replacement windows in Ann Arbor Michigan are a home improvement project everyone should strongly consider. But to get the most out of your investment, you need to make sure you are choosing the right windows for your home.

Things to Look for When Choosing Replacement Windows in Ann Arbor Michigan

There are many different home improvement projects you can do where you enjoy many benefits. Installing new siding on your home can give it a fresh new look as well as installing a new roof. While these types of home improvement projects are great and can certainly add value to your home, one of the best home improvement projects you can do in terms of getting a return is having replacement windows installed in your home.

Depending on the condition of your home’s windows, getting replacement windows installed in your home can give you a return of more than 65% of your initial investment. Plus, you can save money on energy costs for many years to come. If you’re considering a home improvement project and haven’t thought about your home’s windows, now is the time. Here are some of the things you should look for when taking on this project:

Things to Look for When Choosing Replacement Windows in Ann Arbor Michigan


Durability is key when choosing new windows. You do not want to spend a lot of money on new windows, then have to repair them when something goes wrong. This is where it is recommended that you avoid wood windows, and opt for more durable materials like vinyl instead. Wood is prone to warping, rotting and molding, making them problematic for any homeowner. Vinyl, on the other hand, is non-porous so there is no warping or rotting to worry about.


Whether you live in a relatively dangerous area, or just want some added security to your home, the locking system can make a huge difference. The standard double or single hung windows are much easier to open from the outside and have a less efficient seal. Going with windows that lock like casement or awning windows do provide a lot more security and make it more difficult for them to be pried open.


Windows are a great opportunity to get lots of natural light into your home. Consider how much light they are currently letting in and if you would like more or less. This will help you determine the right size for your windows in each room.

Curb Appeal

The windows of your home can make or break the overall look of your home. Choosing the right windows can make your home look like something out of a magazine. The wrong windows will make your home look off and no one will want to buy it. The better your home looks, the more it increases your curb appeal and resale value.

Windows in Ann Arbor MI

Energy Efficiency

For homeowners who want to decrease their monthly energy bills, windows are a great way to do that. On average, replacement windows provide you with 70 percent more energy efficiency than older windows, and that can be increased depending on the additional features you add on. Low-E coatings, gas fillings, and multiple pane windows all increase the barrier between the interior and exterior of your home. This will help to lower your heating and cooling coats an average of 19 percent in summer and 25 percent in winter.


If you don’t want to spend a lot of time and money on repairing and maintaining your windows, you need to consider low maintenance designs. Vinyl requires very little maintenance, while wood requires treatments, repainting and re-staining. Cleaning your actual windows can be much easier as well depending on the style of window and how they open.

What Are You Currently Lacking?

Think about your current windows and what you like and don’t like about them. Go room by room and make a list of pros and cons. In the end, your replacement windows should work to fix the current issues without creating any new ones.

Talk with a Licensed Contractor

The amount of savings you’ll have on new replacement windows for your home will depend greatly on your home’s existing windows. Not only that but the windows that you want to have installed will also impact that amount. Talk with a licensed contractor in Ann Arbor Michigan such as A2 Home Pros to determine what is best for your home. They offer free quotes and can help you decide what best fits your budget. Call A2 Home Pros at 734-548-9910 for more details.

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