Save Money with a New HVAC system in Monroe County Michigan

Save Money with a New HVAC system in Monroe County Michigan

Everyone wants to save money on their energy bills, but few people realize how much of an impact their HVAC system has on their overall energy bills. A new furnace or air conditioner installed in your home can have an impact of as much as 30%.

Having a good HVAC system is essential to efficiently managing energy usage and costs in the home. The most important components of an HVAC system are the furnace, air conditioning unit and thermostat. These three pieces of equipment work together to regulate temperature, humidity and air quality in the home and if any of those is over 20 years old in your home then it’s certainly time to upgrade.

The Advances in Thermostat Technology That Save Energy

Thermostats are the brains of your HVAC system and can be easily upgraded with more efficient models. Smart thermostats can be programmed and controlled remotely. They can also use motion sensors, light sensors and weather forecasts to automatically adjust temperature settings for your home in order to optimize energy usage for your furnace and air conditioner. This can lead to a dramatic decrease in energy costs especially if the home is not occupied for hours throughout the day.

HVAC System Install Monroe MI

Furnace Upgrades That You Should Use

If your furnace is over 20 years old, then it’s time to upgrade it with a newer, more efficient model. High-efficiency furnaces offer better energy savings compared to older models because they are designed to use less fuel and provide greater temperature control. Newer furnace models are also quieter and produce fewer pollutants so you can save money on your energy bills while enjoying a healthier living environment.

Air Conditioning Upgrades to Increase Efficiency

Your air conditioning unit is responsible for cooling the home during the hot summer months and it’s important that you keep it running efficiently. A new Energy Star rated air conditioner can help lower your monthly energy costs by up to 20%. These units are also designed to be quieter, more efficient and use fewer resources.

Does Your Home's Furnace Need A Repair? Here's What You Need To Know

Each and every year newer technologies arrive that are more efficient than the previous years. Year over year these energy efficient upgrades may not seem like much but over a span of 10 or more years there can be quite a huge difference in terms of energy efficiency. The main rating you want to observe is the SEER ratings. The higher the SEER rating the better. You can also determine just how your existing system measures up if you know the SEER rating it has.

Proper Maintenance is Key to Efficiency

No matter how efficient your HVAC system is, it won’t be performing at its peak efficiency unless you keep up with regular maintenance. This includes changing air filters regularly and having a certified technician come and inspect the system on an annual basis.

Replacing outdated and inefficient HVAC systems may cost more in the short term but it can end up paying off in the long run. Lower energy bills, improved air quality and a healthier living environment are just some of the benefits you can expect with an upgraded HVAC system in Monroe County Michigan.

With financing options for new HVAC systems available you can get a new system installed sometimes with zero down payment. If you’re ready to make the upgrade, contact the professionals at J&K Heating and Cooling today for more information on how a new HVAC system can benefit your home. Call them at 734-587-3184 to get a free quote and details on financing options for your HVAC system.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does an HVAC system last?

On average, a properly maintained HVAC system should last around 15 years. It is important to keep up with regular maintenance in order for your system to continue functioning efficiently over the years.

Is it worth replacing my old HVAC system?

Yes, upgrading to a newer, more efficient HVAC system can help you save money on energy costs in the long run. Newer systems are designed to be more efficient and provide better temperature control, while also being quieter and produce fewer pollutants.

Can I get financing for a new HVAC system?

There are a number of options available which allow you to spread out payments over time making it easier to afford an upgrade.

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