Does Your Home’s Furnace Need A Repair? Here’s What You Need To Know

Does Your Home's Furnace Need A Repair? Here's What You Need To Know

The furnace is one of the most important appliances in your home, especially during the colder months. It’s responsible for providing warmth and comfort to your family when the temperature outside starts to dip. But like any other appliance, furnaces can break down and stop working properly. That’s why it’s important to be on the lookout for signs that your furnace needs a repair.

Does Your Home's Furnace Need A Repair Here's What You Need To Know

Here are 8 signs to watch out for:

1. The pilot light is yellow or flickering.

2. There are strange noises coming from the furnace.

3. The furnace isn’t blowing hot air.

4. The furnace is cycling on and off more frequently than usual.

5. The furnace is blowing cold air.

6. The thermostat isn’t working properly.

7. The furnace smells strange.

8. You’ve seen an increase in your energy bills.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to call a furnace repair technician for help. Ignoring these signs can not only make your home uncomfortable, but it can also lead to more serious and expensive problems down the road. So don’t wait – if you think there’s something wrong with your furnace, get it checked out as soon as possible!

Does Your Home's Furnace Need A Repair? Here's What You Need To Know

How to Maintain Your Home’s Furnace To Avoid Future Repairs?

Your furnace is one of the most important appliances in your home, and it’s important to keep it running smoothly. With proper maintenance, your furnace can last for years to come. Here are a few tips on how to maintain your furnace and keep it running efficiently.

1. Change the Filter Regularly

One of the most important things you can do to maintain your furnace is to change the filter regularly. A clogged filter can restrict air flow and cause your furnace to work harder than necessary. Depending on the type of filter you have, you should change it every one to three months.

2. Keep the Area Around the Furnace Clean

It’s important to keep the area around your furnace clean and free of clutter. Don’t store flammable liquids or materials near the furnace, and make sure there’s nothing blocking the vents. A build-up of dust and debris can also impede air flow and lead to problems with your furnace.

3. Schedule Annual Maintenance

Even if you’re diligent about changing your filter and keeping the area around your furnace clean, it’s still a good idea to have a professional inspect and service your furnace annually. An HVAC technician will clean the furnace, inspect all the parts, and make sure everything is working properly. This will help prevent small problems from becoming big ones down the road.

4. Know When to Call for Help

If you notice any strange noises or smells coming from your furnace, or if it starts cycling on and off more frequently than normal, it’s time to call a furnace repair technician. Ignoring these signs can lead to more serious and expensive problems down the road.

5. Be proactive about maintenance and repairs

The best way to avoid furnace problems is to be proactive about maintenance and repairs. By staying on top of things, you can catch small issues before they become big ones. So don’t wait until your furnace breaks down to call a repair technician – if you think something might be wrong, get it checked out as soon as you can to avoid further issues.

6. Regularly checking your furnace

In addition to yearly maintenance, it’s a good idea to regularly check your furnace for any signs of wear and tear. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, such as strange noises or smells, be sure to call a furnace repair technician right away. Ignoring these warning signs can lead to more serious and expensive problems down the road.


By following these simple tips, you can keep your furnace running smoothly for years to come. Be sure to change the filter regularly, keep the area around the furnace clean, and schedule annual maintenance. With proper care, your furnace will be an efficient and reliable source of heat for years to come. If you are in need of furnace repair, be sure to contact a reputable contractor like J&K Heating and Cooling who can properly repair your home’s furnace.

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